Saturday, February 22, 2025

Name and Form

In a prior post I wrote about how Neopagans share the concept of Immanence with the Mesopotamians. In this post, I want to continue this topic with the Mesopotamian practice of finding divine in name and form and how that continues today.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh we read, “Gilgamesh prayed to the Sun god for help. The Sun god heard the entreaty of Gilgamesh…” For the Sumerians, the sun in the sky as well as its divine presence were called Shamash. For them, immanent divinity had both name and form.


Neopagans follow similar practices. In Wicca, for example, the Triple Goddess of Maid, Mother, and Crone is associated with the Moon. She’s also evident in Wicca symbol of the full moon with the crescent moon on each side. This Wiccan practice is a modern form of recognizing immanent divinity in both name and form.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Year of the Wooden Snake

Wednesday January 29 was the Lunar New Year. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2025 is the year of the wooden snake. The year of the wooden snake is about introspection and renewal. It’s a year involving letting go of toxicity. Inner work and personal growth are favored.


For readers who don’t know, Dark Paganism is a self-centric philosophy that focuses on honoring and cultivating the Self. We find meaning by looking inward rather than outward. Therefore, from a Dark Pagan perspective, 2025 as the year of the wooden snake is obviously exciting for it ties closely in with Dark Paganism. 

2025, the year of the wooden snake, has the potential to be an auspicious year for self-cultivation and personal growth. Don’t miss out on the boost you may receive this year in your Dark Pagan efforts.

Name and Form

In a prior post I wrote about how Neopagans share the concept of Immanence with the Mesopotamians. In this post, I want to continue this top...