Saturday, November 16, 2024

Difficult Times

“There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.” - Phyllis Bottome, English Writer.

Anyone who read my previous post knows that the recent US election wasn’t what I and many others had hoped for. Because of the results, many people are highly concerned about what the future holds. This concern is understandable, considering the promises (threats) made by the President-elect and his allies before the election.

So, what are we to do now?


Job one is self-care.

If you don’t meditate, this would be a good time to start. While the positive claims about meditation have been overblown, meditation has been proven to aid in stress reduction.

In addition, I believe that arcane forces flow through the universe that can aid us and help ease stress. Therefore, I highly recommend including acupuncture and either Tai Chi or yoga.

Exercise and a healthy diet have both proven to be helpful. Like meditation, exercise, and a good diet are also proven to be good for managing stress. 

Connect with loved ones. By “loved ones,” I don’t just mean biological relatives. Loved ones can include close friends. The philosopher Epicurus believed that friendship was essential for human happiness.

Spirituality can be helpful. If you have a spiritual practice that’s still meaningful to you and let it lapse, consider restarting it. Or explore a new path. There are so many good spiritualities right now from which to choose.      

It helps to also keep things in proper perspective. First, remember that people have survived hard times throughout the centuries. We are stronger than we sometimes think we are. Second, nothing is permanent, and the pendulum ultimately swings back the other way. Change is the one constant in the universe. The philosopher Heraclitus wrote, “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river, and he’s not the same man.” 

I’m not going to blow smoke. We should not assume that everything will be ‘okay.’ The right-wing has been emboldened. Economic and social justice are under threat. There will be those, especially those who are not people of privilege, whose rights will be attacked. We need to brace ourselves for this and plan accordingly.

Most importantly, remember to take care of yourself.

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