Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Welcome to my new blog. I’m an author, philosopher, and practitioner of Dark Paganism. What is Dark Paganism? I’m so glad you asked. As I define it, Dark Paganism is a positive, life-affirming, Pagan spirituality that’s focused on honoring and cultivating the Self.

In his work, Out of the Shadows, John J Coughlin proposed the existence of two approaches to spirituality. Both approaches address existential questions of meaning and ethics. However, they look for answers to these questions differently.

One approach is “external” in that it looks outside the person for answers. In the external approach, the primary question is, “What is the meaning of the universe?” By discovering this Cosmic meaning, the individual can find their purpose.

The other approach is “internal” in that it looks inside the individual for answers. In the internal approach, the primary question is, “Who am I, and how do I fit within everything?” Meaning isn’t something handed to a person but is something the individual creates.

Dark Paganism is an internal approach to spirituality. Self-knowledge is paramount in Dark Paganism. It avoids the two extreme errors of selfishness and self-denial. Autonomy, healthy relations, self-acceptance, and self-cultivation are all elements of Dark Paganism.

I look forward to sharing Dark Paganism in future blog posts.

Blessed Be

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