Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Thinning Veil

Halloween is fast approaching. For most contemporary Pagans, this day is about more than just dressing up, watching spooky movies, and trick or treating. It’s also a sacred high festival day known as Samhain.

Samhain (pronounced SOW-ahn) has Celtic roots and means “Summer’s End.” It’s a time when the boundary between our physical world and the Otherworld thins, allowing easier interaction between the living and the spirit realm. Contemporary Pagans refer to this as the “thinning of the veil.”

I find the metaphor of the “veil” to be apropos. Imagine reality as a room with a veil hanging down from the ceiling dividing it in half.  The sheerer the veil, the easier it is for the occupants on both sides to interact with each other.

A positive aspect of the thinning veil is that it makes communication easier with deceased loved ones and other helpful spirits. It’s a great time to honor one’s ancestors, find closure with the deceased, and contact the spirit world. 

Unfortunately, some find contact with the deceased frightening.  Interacting with the deceased, even the benevolent dead, reminds us of our mortality and is frightening for many. The frightening aspects of the thinning veil play a significant role in the spookiness that permeates modern, secular Halloween.         

So with October 31st right around the corner, make plans to celebrate both Samhain and Halloween. Have some spooky Halloween fun. Yet also, make sure to set aside time to honor your deceased loved ones and the spirit world by celebrating Samhain.  

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