Saturday, March 25, 2023


“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.” - Christopher Germer

The seeds of self-hatred are planted early in life. In our drive to be accepted by the one's we love, we often develop negative feelings about ourselves. This self-hatred is reinforced by social institutions, especially religious, who insist that we are fallen and are in need of salvation.

A black and white image of self-hatred.
It can be hard to overcome those negative feelings about the self. Sometimes one can find help in sources that one least expects.

Next to social media, YouTube is one of the favorite subjects for people to beat up on. You would think that YouTube is nothing but cat videos. While there certainly are those, there’s a lot of good stuff as well. One of the excellent YouTube channels is The School of Life.

The School of Life channel defines its mission as “devoted to bringing you calm, self-understanding, better relationships, deeper friendships, greater effectiveness at work and more fulfillment in your leisure time.”

They have several excellent videos about self-compassion. I’ve linked to two that I’m very impressed with.

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