Sunday, April 16, 2023

Astrology and Fate

“The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves…” – William Shakespeare, ‘Julius Caesar.’

Astrology is an ancient practice found in many societies. It played a significant role in classic Greco-Roman paganism, which drew upon and modified Mesopotamian astrology. Astrology also plays a role in Traditional Chinese beliefs. Its popularity continues today, especially in New Age and contemporary Paganism in the West.

Artist rendering of the astrological Cancer.

I will leave aside the criticism by those seeking scientific evidence for its efficacy. Astrology, contrary to the claims of many of its advocates, is a spiritual practice rather than a science. And spirituality does not lend itself well to scientific study. 

It’s important to remember that astrology does not equate to destiny. The planets and stars may influence us, but we have the power to decide how we respond. Let me give you an example from experience.

I have Type 2 diabetes. The popular assumption is that it’s the result of a poor lifestyle. However, my doctors have determined that mine is due to genetics. While I can’t change my genetic predisposition for diabetes, I can decide how to respond. With the help of my doctors, my diabetes is under control through the combination of medication and diet. 

Like genetics, any influence of stars and planets on our lives is beyond our control. However, it’s up to us how we play the hand we’re dealt.

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