Sunday, June 4, 2023


“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us.” - Jane Austen, British Author.

Most know that June is recognized as Pride Month in the US and many other countries. June was chosen to celebrate LGBTQA+ individuals because the Stonewall Riots, which started the Gay Rights movement, occurred at the end of June 1969. 


Pride Month is closely connected to the Dark Pagan principles of Self-knowledge, Self-Acceptance, and Autonomy.

Thousands of years ago, etched into the walls of the Temple of Delphi in Greece were the words “Know Thyself.” It is with this ancient Pagan wisdom that Pride begins. Understanding one’s identity, both gender and sexual, is an essential part of self-knowledge. 

It’s well established that some people’s hatred of LGBTQA+ individuals arises from subconscious gender and sexual identity issues. While this isn’t true for all who express such hatred (for some, it’s just a character flaw), this lack of self-knowledge is the source of anger for many.

Building on Self-knowledge, Self-acceptance is the next critical element of Pride. Once a person understands themselves, the next step is to accept themselves. Self-love rests at the heart of self-acceptance. 

However, there are forces in our society that teach against self-love. Many religious institutions tell us that we’re fallen and need salvation. This self-hatred often is turned outwards, creating Others who are seen as different and dangerous.

The final Dark Pagan principle that applies to Pride is Autonomy. The Stonewall Riot was an example of courageous individuals who confronted institutional homophobia and bigotry. It was a declaration of autonomy that they wouldn’t cave into the demands of the herd.

Ironically, the homophobic and transphobic voices of today often wrap their opposition to autonomy into claims of personal liberty. In an example of Orwellian thought, they twist laws meant to remove the rights of LGBTQA+ persons as being to enhance freedom.  

Pride is a Dark Pagan value.

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