Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Highest Holiday

In several Western countries, July is a month of civic holidays. For Canadians, July 1st is Canada Day. For Americans, July 4th is Independence Day. And for the French, July 14th is Bastille Day. Of course, there are also civic and religious holidays in other months. Wiccans, for example, celebrate eight festival days throughout the calendar year.

There is one day that, more than any other, each person should celebrate. This holiday is the highest of all holidays. It’s a day of joy and gratitude. 

That holiday is your birthday.

Corpospirituality, the belief that the physical world is as divine as the ‘spiritual,’ is one of the nine Dark Pagan principles. Because of the inherent divinity of the physical realm, as physical beings, we are the conscious embodiment of the divine. Therefore, your birth was the birth of a divine being. That alone is worthy of celebration.

The French philosopher Albert Camus said that the way to respond to the universe’s lack of meaning was to rebel. I believe the best way to rebel against a meaningless life is to strive to “actually feel the rapture of being alive,” as the mythologist Joseph Campbell said. 

Celebrating your birthday is a proclamation to a silent, meaningless universe that you are not going gentle into that good night.

Life is good. Celebrate it.

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In a prior post I wrote about how Neopagans share the concept of Immanence with the Mesopotamians. In this post, I want to continue this top...