Saturday, November 2, 2024

Threat to Democracy

“The greatest threat to democracy is indifference.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President

We’re in the last days of an election season here in the United States. On November 5th, Americans will vote to decide who controls our Congress and who will hold the office of President for the next four years. Most political analysts consider this election one of the most important in American history. Our election results will have a global impact.


Philosophy and politics are inseparable. According to classic Greek thought, philosophy is more than an intellectual exercise. It’s a way of life. Philosophy is all-encompassing. Because of this, philosophy should determine one’s political views and not the other way around.

Those who have read my blog over the years will probably have an idea of my philosophical views. Humans are a paradox. We are independent individuals, yet we’re dependent upon others from birth. Each person is free, yet no one is an island. Our species is neither collectivist nor rugged individualist. The Self is the highest standard, yet its existence is tied to the welfare of others.

I hold these to be some of the core values of Dark Pagan philosophy.

Applying Dark Pagan philosophy to politics, I find Donald Trump and the Republican Party are not consistent with Dark Pagan values. Dark Paganism stands for freedom of choice and personal autonomy. Trump and other Republican leaders speak of freedom and autonomy yet promote authoritarianism. Trump himself has said on record that he intends to be a dictator on day one. He and the Republican Party leaders speak of supporting the individual, yet they attack diversity. They say they support individual choices yet pass laws restricting choice. In addition, they advocate for laws that cut social safety nets and give increased power to the religious and economic oligarchs who already have special privileges.

By contrast, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party have established records of democratic values. They are certainly not authoritarian. Their record shows that they support freedom of choice and diversity. In addition, Harris and the Democratic leadership have shown support for strengthening the social safety net. Plus, they openly opposed giving more power to the religious and economic oligarchs. While neither Harris nor the  Democratic Party are perfect, they’re far better than Trump and the Republicans.

Therefore, of the two options, I believe that Kamala Harris and the Democratic party best represent Dark Pagan values. 

Obviously, the best action we can take is to vote. For those who say voting doesn’t work, the fact that Trump failed to be reelected in 2020 shows that it does work. Plus, the fact that there is so much effort to make it more and more difficult also shows that voting can make a difference. If voting didn’t work, they wouldn’t try to obstruct it.

Our options for change go beyond the mundane. We have spiritual actions we can take as well.

We can call upon two goddesses for help in political matters: Libertas and Ishtar. 

Libertas was the Roman goddess of Liberty. She became popular during the latter part of the Roman Republic. Libertas was often shown carrying a sword with a Phrygian cap at the end. The Phrygian cap was worn by freed slaves.

There’s a strong connection between the US and both Libertas and the Roman Republic. American Founding Fathers envisioned the young country as being a renewal of the Roman Republic. Plus, the Statue of Liberty is based on the goddess Libertas.

Ishtar (Inanna to the Sumerians) was the goddess of war, sex, and wisdom to the Mesopotamians. She was worshiped from the Near East to Britain under various names. Her worship lasted for over 2,000 years. 

To the Babylonians, Ishtar was a Sovereign Goddess in that the King’s authority was granted by Her. Ishtar is also a strong defender of justice and women. In the myth of Inanna and Su-kale-tuda, Inanna is raped. After finding the offender, before She kills him, She tells him that he will forever be known as a rapist and a coward.

No doubt, as a Sovereign Goddess, Her power would be very helpful in political matters. In addition, considering that Trump has been convicted of sexual assault, Ishtar would be an obvious ally.

Most importantly, you need to get out and vote as if your or a loved one’s life depends on it. 

Because it just might.

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