Saturday, December 28, 2024

Disturbing Trends

“Violence is both unavoidable and unjustifiable.” - Albert Camus, philosopher.

People often reflect on the previous year’s events as we approach a new year. I’m not going to review the past year on this blog. Anyone interested can find numerous end-of-the-year reviews. However, there was a disturbing trend that I think deserves attention.

2024 was a violent year in the US. Gun violence continues to plague America, as it has seen more than 488 mass shootings across the US so far this year. A ‘mass shooting’ is defined as involving 4 or more victims. However, this definition hides the severity of the situation, for it fails to consider that there are so many more killings every day with fewer victims.


Americans seemed to have gotten numb to the violence. To make matters worse, American voters elected a Right-wing extremist for president who has a history of violent rhetoric and has even been convicted of sexual assault. It’s almost as though Americans now revel in violence.

This celebration of violence isn’t limited to the political Right. Some on the political Left are holding up the murderer of the health insurance CEO as a hero. The irony that many of these same Left-wing individuals celebrating the vigilante are also opposed to the death penalty, even for known killers, isn’t lost on me. 

I find myself wanting to say what I think needs to be done to change this trend. However, I will admit that at this time, I’m at a loss for words. I will simply say that I fear for the future.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


December is traditionally the time of giving. Whether one celebrates Yule, Saturnalia, Sol Invictus, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, or a social tradition, chances are you’ll probably be giving and receiving gifts this month. 

Unfortunately, we tend to associate giving with retail in our Capitalist society. While material things can be nice, they’re not always the best gifts. I’m reminded of a quote by Steve Goodier, 

“Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile. What does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give.”

If you choose to buy retail items as gifts, nothing requires you to buy corporate. I strongly encourage you to seek out family-owned and sole proprietorships rather than corporations. Purchasing from a mom-and-pop shop, as they’re sometimes called, might be considered two gifts in one. One for the recipient of the gift and one for the shop owner whose livelihood depends on your purchase. 

Whether or not you celebrate a holiday, may this season bring you and your loved ones joy and happiness.
Frater Tenebris

Name and Form

In a prior post I wrote about how Neopagans share the concept of Immanence with the Mesopotamians. In this post, I want to continue this top...