Saturday, July 2, 2022

Unboxing The Empath’s Oracle

I’m a big fan of card divination. I’ve worked with the tarot for a long time, along with various oracle cards, and I am constantly amazed by the insight I’m given. So I was excited when I learned that Raven Digitalis had created an oracle deck. 

For those that don’t know, Raven Digitalis is the author of the dark pagan classics Goth Craft and Shadow Magick Compendium. A second edition of the latter will be published soon, titled the Witches' Shadow Magick Compendium

Raven Digitalis’s newest creation is The Empath’s Oracle, which I recently purchased from Amazon. The first thing I noticed when it arrived was that it came in a lovely box with a magnetic lid. I opened the box and found the instruction book on top, with the cards underneath. An elegant ribbon allowed me to remove the book and cards easily. The oracle cards had a nice sleeve around them that kept them together.

Konstantin Bax made the artwork for the box, book, and cards, and the art is beautiful. It’s bright and colorful. There’s an organic feel to the artwork that has multiple layers. It’s easy to get lost in each card.
Each oracle card is numbered with a title. For example, card number 1 reads, “Establishing Emotional Boundaries.” The deck has a total of 40 cards.

The directions book isn’t one of those little white books that often comes with tarot decks. Instead, it contains an excellent paperback book containing straightforward, easy-to-follow directions by Digitalis. The book provides details about each card, such as Essential Themes, Imagery, Deeper Meanings, and Suggested Actions.    

I am enthralled with Digitalis’s The Empath’s Oracle. It would be a great addition to anyone’s collection, and I highly recommend it. You can purchase it through Llewellyn Worldwide and Amazon.

Blessed Be,
Frater Tenebris

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